Dealing with Drought

Dealing with Drought

By paying special attention to your landscape, you can determine what plants will and will not need watered when dealing with drought. Play close attention to newly planted trees and shrubs. Since they do not have an established root system their ability to obtain moisture will be limited.

Low Maintenance Gardens

Low Maintenance Gardens

Careful consideration of the planting palette for low maintenance gardens can lead us to recommend plants and planting styles that help reduce the need for high intensity gardening labor.

Lawn Weed Control

Lawn Weed Control

By maintaining your lawn, you can stave off weed infestations. With a proper fertilizing program, mowing, and watering correctly there are a number of ways to eliminate weeds before they germinate and control them.

Lawn Fertilization

Lawn Fertilization

With a few simple steps, keeping lawns looking healthy and vibrant throughout the year and by focusing on timing and rates of fertilizer applications it is easy to be successful managing your lawn.